A PEPYSIAN GARLAND - online book

Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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5   Which Cloudes obscur'd, and darkened so the light, That Midday almost was as darke as Night: Whilest at such darknes Cittizens did wonder, Forthwith they heard a dreadfull clap of Thunder.
6   And with the Thunder, presently there came
Such Lightning forth the Clouds did seeme to flame: But heere obserue, this Citty towards the East, Stands high, but falleth lowe towards the West.
7   As at the East the Stares began their Fight,
And there fell downe the Birds first, kild outright:
So at the East began the Fire to flame,
Those at the West did soone beholde the same.
8   And towards the East, to see and helpe they ranne, Before halfe way, a wofull Cry began:
Behinde them, seeing the West end was on Fire, They so recalld, began for to retire.
9   As from the East, towards the West they turne, They saw the middest of the Citty burne:
So at an instant all was on a flame,
There was no meanes to helpe to quench the same.
io Although great store of Water was in place, Water could not helpe there in such a case: For why that Fire which from the Skyes doth fall, Is not with Water to be quencht at all.
11   Now were the Cittizens ouerwhelm'd with woe, For no man knew, which way to runne or goe: For in the Citty no man could abide,
The Fire raged so on euery side.
12   Some were enclosed with Fire, they for their safety Fled to the Churches, which were in the Citty : Some to an Hand, and the Fields hard by,
To saue their Hues, with grieued hearts did flye.
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